Tuesday, 18 September 2012

d84 c39 Sep18 Tue 1000 Louisburgh-Achill Sound 1800 43m1618

The majority of today's ride was along the 'Greenway' a reconditioned old railway route, with many deviations.   The cycling was comfortable except for some of the deviations, but slow through having to negotiate intersections, gates, and cattle grids.
Approaching Achill Sound
Then  - -  'Houston, we have a problem.'  
The derailleur gear change cable broke with the result that I was stuck in top gear  - -  fine for downhill but hard going uphill or cycling into the wind.   Made the last 11k to Achill Sound.   Phoned around but found no close cycle shops or sources for a derailleur cable.   I'll either have to complete the tour in top gear or find a way of rigging a partial fix.

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